As a professional physical educator athletics and coaching are a major aspect of the profession I rest my philosophy of coaching on three major beliefs. These three beliefs provide the basis for what I do, what I value and why I do it as a coach. These three beliefs are self discipline, teamwork and building character.
Athletes need to have an ample amount of self discipline in order to become the best athlete they can be. Becoming highly skilled in any area takes a lot of hard work, dedication, practice and is very time consuming. Student athletes need be able to divide their time between school work, practice, family and their friends. Being able to balance all these activities is quite a difficult task for certain students, but for student athletes it is important. In order to be a highly trained athlete it takes a lot of organization on the students part and this requires a lot of discipline. Teaching students how to manage their time and their responsibilities is a valuable lesson that will serve to benefit them for the rest of their lives. Creating practice schedules and giving the students a daily routine will help them to learn to manage their time. Time management is major component of self discipline and students who master both of these skills will benefit immensely from it. Coaching athletes is not just about making them better players but better well round people.
The major benefit of sports is that the students learn how to corporate with one another and work as a team. In all team sports the event cannot be won unless everyone comes together and works as a unit. By getting the students to put aside differences and work together to achieve a common goal, they learn the value of teamwork and corporation. Being able to work with all different kinds of people is a crucial part of everyday life. Athletics give students a chance to learn the importance of communication and respect for others. During games there will be many times where teammates will disagree but they will learn to work out their differences and find a solution. Being able to see things from other peoples perspectives is a major part learning to be a team. This will encourage team bonding and help students learn how to work with others.
The fast pace high intensity sporting events test students limits and allow them to really learn more about the type of person they are. In game situations athletes never know what challenges they may be faced with. Students will face competitors who have higher skill levels and they will have to learn how to always try their hardest even if the chances of winning seem impossible. By never giving up students learn perseverance. Through losing students learn how to be good sports by still congratulate the competitors. Even when the students win they need to be able to feel compassion for the losing team because they know how it feels to lose. Being a graceful winner is just as important as being a good sport when losing. Teaching students how to become better athletes is not just about improving their physical skills but also their social skills. In some sports students a faced with the difficult task of officiating themselves. This teaches students fairness, respect for others and honesty. These are just a few of the many character traits that sports teach students.